The past two weekends I participated in two chess tournaments and.. managed to win them both.
The first one was in Cedar Rapids, only 30 minutes away from Iowa City. It was a 4 round tournament with 40 contestants. I won three games and drew one. Funny enough, my 3,5 out of 4 was enough for the first price!
This weekend I played a 5 round tournament in Madison, the capitol of Wisconsin. This is a 3,5 hour drive. On my way there, I dropped off Abi in Dubuque, she went there to spend a weekend with her friends from Loras College. I arrived in Madison on Saturday. The tournament was already on its way but they gave me a free point. A first round point is an option if you are rated above 2200 and me and one other player used this option.
I won the second round game within the hour, so this gave me time to check out the city and to go see a movie. The third round was a long game versus a 13 year old talent that I managed to win. At night I had some beers with Chris, a friend from Abi's program in Amsterdam last year.
Round 4 on Sunday morning led to another smooth and fast victory, so I did the capitol tour and chilled on one of the lakes (that was frozen) in the sun. The other 2200+ player lost to a talent and withdrew from the tournament, so round 5 led to the fourth 1800 opponent and another quick win: 5 out of 5, 250 dollars and tournament victory!
One of the contestants wrote something about the tournament on his blog:
This week I'll publish some mating combinations from the previous weekends!
3 opmerkingen:
Hey Tex, do you want to play on a team this weekend? Please call me at 608-334-2574.
Alex Betaneli
Was de tegenstand in het eerste toernooi wat beter dan alleen maar kneusjes?;) Wanneer komt dat tv-schaakprogramma nou eigenlijk?
Purmerend staat trouwens alweer waar het moet staan!
Hoi Tex,
Mooie weblog echt heel cool!,
Ik zag op de site van VAS dat je in de VS was, ik ging even kijken en toen zag ik je blog. Wat doe je in daar allemaal in de sneeuw in dat gehucht? Ik schaak tegenwoordig ook weer en ga in 26/apr tot 7 mei naar Twin cities minnesota mijn pa opzoeken! Misschien kunnen we afspreken als je er dan nog bent!
Groetjes en Suc6 in VS met schaken enzo
ps mijn msn email gebruik ik nog
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